About us

Relatives for Justice Vision

To support the empowerment of the bereaved and injured of the conflict to realise improved health and wellbeing, and full and equal participation at every level of our post-conflict society

Relatives for Justice Mission

  • Building and providing access to safe, integrated and professional services and programmes of support for the bereaved and injured of the conflict
  • Contributing to the health and wellbeing of victims and survivors
  • Realising empowerment through building skills, confidence and self-awareness
  • Encouraging the bereaved and injured to realise their role in peace building and processes designed to deal with the past
  • Investing in Relatives for Justice through training and sustainable partnerships

Relatives for Justice Aims

  • To provide a safe space for the bereaved and injured of the conflict
  • To provide professional, appropriate and development based individual, family and group support for the bereaved and injured in an holistic, integrated fashion
  • To develop and deliver said support in partnership with other professional organisations where appropriate
  • To support the bereaved and injured to tell their story and document their experiences
  • To build awareness and foster an understanding of the specific experiences and needs of the bereaved and injured of the conflict in a transitional context
  • To contribute to the search for truth, highlight injustice and contribute to a culture of human rights
  • To support families engaging with relevant processes to deal with the past including legal processes
  • To liaise with domestic and international human rights NGOs, government bodies and other international organisations in the furtherance of the realisation of the rights of victims and survivors of the conflict

Relatives for Justice Core Values

  • An active commitment to universal human rights and social justice
  • The promotion of equality and respect for the background, diversity and experience of all those bereaved and injured by the conflict
  • The application and development of the highest standards of professional support programmes for victims and survivors of the conflict
  • The promotion of recognition and remedy for the specific gender harms and experiences of the bereaved and injured of the conflict


Relatives for Justice only supports victims and survivors of the conflict in its work. Eligibility for services is determined at initial contact and evidence retained.

The Work of Relatives For Justice
Relatives for Justice (RFJ) was founded in April 1991 when a number of bereaved families affected by the conflict came together to support one another. Instrumental in the formation of the organization were key figures that had, on a voluntary basis, been active for the previous 2 decades such as Monsignor Raymond Murray, Clara Reilly, Peter Madden, the law practice partner of the late Pat Finucane, and the late human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson both subsequently murdered. RFJ is one of only a few organizations operating on a regional basis across the North and on an all island basis.
Relatives for Justice is a world recognised NGO working with and providing support to relatives of people bereaved, and injured, by the conflict across the North of Ireland including border regions in the 26 counties.
We assist and support families coping with the effects of bereavement through violence and the resulting trauma. We have offices in Belfast, Dungannon and 5 regional outreach centres.
RFJ identifies and attempts to address the needs of those who have suffered loss and injury; this is achieved through one to one contacts, self-help, group support, outreach and befriending, counselling support and therapy work, welfare and legal advocacy.
As relatives and survivors we all need to have our experiences heard and valued. In terms of conflict resolution this will also allow those most marginalised to realise the pivotal role and vital contribution that they bring to the creation of a new society based upon equality, respect and above all where human rights are secured.
This work highlights and attempts to address outstanding human rights abuses. Our primary objective in this area of work is to assist in the bringing about of a more human rights-based culture in order to safeguard and protect human rights for all.

You can find out more about the history of the RFJ campaign beginning in 1991:
  • A letter was sent out to invite observers to come and witness the formal setup of the Relatives for Justice campaign, read it in full here.
  • The first ever Relatives For Justice Conference took place in Dungannon on Saturday 20th April, 1991, find out more in this 12-page PDF.
  • Introductory comments from the conference.