RFJ Director Addresses Congress

Relatives for Justice Director Mark Thompson gave evidence to the Helsinki Commission of the United States Congress Below is the link to the video of...

Relatives for Justice Submission to European Court October 2015

The first  link will show all the listed submissions and communications RFJ have made in this past year regarding the UK government meeting its...

Relatives for Justice Submission to the Heenan Anderson Consultation

Relatives for Justice have made a lengthy submission to the Heenan-Anderson Commission on the causes of levels of poverty and deprivation in the North...

Report on the killing of Damien Walsh

Please find here the report on the life, killing and campaign for the truth of Damien Walsh. This report was launched at his commemoration...

Blog on Fresh Start Agreement Failure to Deal with the Past

Blog by Mark Thompson on the failure yet again to deal with the past blog-re-fresh-start-failure-to-deal-with-the-past

RFJ Presentation on Inquests 2013

RFJ Presentation to UUJ on Inquests March 2013 inquests-uuj-feb-2013

15th anniversary of the murder of Gerard Lawlor

RFJ would like to support and endorse the following statement from Naomh Éanna CLG "I ndíl gcuimhne ár gcara Gerard Lawlor. Ní dhéanfaidh Gaedhil dearmad ort...

Collusion Report 1990 -1994

In 1995 Relatives for Justice produced a groundbreaking document which documented the victims of collusion following the shipment of weapons to loyalism under the...

Report on the murders of Dorothy Maguire and Maura Meehan

Please find this comprehensive report compiled by Relatives for Justice and the families of Maura Meehan and Dorothy Maguire dorothy-maguire-maura-meehan-may-2016

Joe, Jeanette and Brigeen Dempsey

Report compiled for the Dempsey family by Relatives For Justice. This report addresses the murders of Joe and Jeanette Dempsey and their 10-month-old baby Brigeen....