HET show fundamental flaws – again

The HET report into the murders of Jack and Kevin McKearney in 1992 highlight a fundamental problem with the approach of the HET

Individualising murders into singular criminal cases will never interrogate the outstanding gross human rights violation that is collusion

By producing a report that acknowledges the destruction of key and vital evidence by the very same agency implicated in a policy of aiding and abetting murder, yet drawing no inference from these criminal actions, the HET has yet again demonstrated inherent failings.

For any process dealing with the past, there must be a defined policy of collusion. The definition we all,including Jeffrey Donaldson MP, recognise. The definition that includes acts of commission and omission. The definition advanced by John Stevens and Judge Cory.

Collusion was a daily policy and practice in Mid-Ulster in the early 1990s. Many families, especially the families of republicans were affected. The truth must be stated and those responsible held accountable.